Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Series 1 Ch. 3

Gardevoir was silent for a moment, then asked, "Can we stop in Goldenrod? I need to talk to someone there, if he's still there..."

Mewtwo looked at her. "Bill?"

"Yeah... I kinda need to get Cecil's old Pokémon out of the Storage System, but I don't know how to work it..."

Mewtwo nodded. "I understand."

A few hours later, the two Psychic-types approached the city.

"Meet me back here," Mewtwo muttered. "Humans don't like me, and I don't like them."

Gardevoir entered Bill's parents' house.

Bill looked up. "Howdy, you're Cecil's Sirknight, am I right?"

Gardevoir, for what seemed like the hundredth time, growled "Don't call me by my foreign name. It's 'Gardevoir', got it?"

Bill wasn't surprised. "Got it, Sirknight. How is Cecil, anyway?"

Gardevoir quickly explained the situation.

"Alright... I'll release 'em in a bit." Bill muttered surprised.

"Thanks," Gardevoir said walking out.

"Hey, Garde? Um... I'm sorry about your trainer."

"I am too..." she thought as she left the building.

A few hours later, the two were at the bottom of the Cerulean Cave. "Um... I'll be over here..." Gardevoir muttered to Mewtwo, and quickly clambered into a corner, leaving him to think.

"She seems very upset about her trainer..." he thought inwardly. "I wish I could cheer her up..."

Gardevoir was crying her heart out over in the corner. She was useless, she couldn't even defend her own Trainer... She slammed her head on the wall. "I'm pitiful," she growled to herself, her crimson eyes full with tears. "I can't do anything right..."

Mewtwo walked over to the crying human-like creature. "Is there anything I can do to help you...?" he asked quietly.

"Not unless you can travel time and change the past," Gardevoir muttered.

The anthromorphic cat could tell she was slowly losing her will to live. "Well... Um... If there's anything-"

"Save your breath," the young Psychic-type snapped, "you and I both know there's nothing we can do..."

"I didn't mean to help stop your trainer from dying... I meant to help you."

Gardevoir stared at him. It was unusual for Mewtwo, of all people, to show emotion, let alone care about someone. "W-Well... I g-guess y-y-you could just stay here to keep me company..." she stammered after a few moments. She wanted to say something else, but it wouldn't come out...

The feline nodded. "I can do that, it's what I do anyway," he remarked.

"Th-thanks..." Gardevoir sniffed.

The two were interrupted by a small grunt.

"Great, HE's awake," Mewtwo muttered.

Before Gardevoir could ask what he was talking about, a small pink cat-like creature zoomed over, floating in the air.

"Hi bro!" Mew yelped to his technically-younger-brother.

Mewtwo grimaced. "Hello, Mew. Awake, I see?" he growled.

"I woke up 'cuz I felt another Psychic-type besides us come in." The DNA Pokemon turned to Gardevoir. "Oh, I see," he said, surpressing laughter.

"I'm sorry, but WHAT do you see?" the human-like Psychic-type inquired the highest-numbered Kanto Pokemon, tilting her head in confusion.

"Oh, nothing," he quickly muttered. "I'll be grabbing Berries, Mewtwo."

A few moments after Mew flew out, Mewtwo sighed. "That was Mew, my... Technically OLDER brother."

After a few moments, Gardevoir muttered "Well he seems to be really nice..."

Mewtwo laughed half-heartedly. "Don't let his cutesy appearance fool you. He gets really annoying, you'd do well to avoid him."

"Eh... I'll just trust you," Gardevoir muttered. She had learned that even if someone looked friendly, they could be a real pain in the-

"Well... I'll be upstairs training." Mewtwo went up a floor in the cave, leaving Gardevoir to herself.

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